Monday, October 6, 2014

recently...'s been warm, cold, wet, hot, sunny, grey & really, really windy - spring weather, basically...

...we (my sisters & I) leave on our road-trip in a week - there has been lots of planning, organising, dreaming & I think we're on-track (I'll post more about this soon-ish)...

...more blossom love - they have been mostly scattered by the wind now, but hopefully there is a nice fruit crop to come (also plenty of blossom here)...

...celebrated my birthday last month - had a lovely day, with beautiful weather, delicious cake (lemon curd & blueberry layer cake) & even presents...

...finished my batch of silver - ready to fire | tumbled | having bails & bits added...

...visited the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden - it's been on my list for a while & was well worth the trip...

...several markets last month, with the Gladstone Country Fair & Wirrabara Producer's Market on the same weekend & Flinders Street the week after...

...still posting photos from my trip...

...trying to work out what to do with my hair - growing it currently because I want to do something different, but I can't figure out what style would suit me/would work with my hair *shrug*. I'm sure I'll work it out eventually. Or get fed up & go short again, lol.

& wow, looks like this is my 700th! post, which seems quite amazing.

1 comment:

  1. happy 700th! that's quite a lot!
    so strange to think back to when we were preparing for that trip, it was such fun!


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